
We were inspired by our last semester at Heritage College where we had to work on securing our applications using OWASP ensuring proper protection. However, the issue was that a lot of us were struggling with this part of the tests and assignments, this inspired us to build a project that could help those who were new to OWASP and could learn more about security while also learning how to implement security into their own code that was inputted.

What it does

This project allows users to input code, learn the vulnerabilities within that said code, and to see how to resolve the specific vulnerability within minutes.

How we built it

We built this with JS, Node, React, allowing us to use the ChatGPT API.

Challenges we ran into

A lot of our issues was getting the API to give us our desired outputs as we wanted to edit and parse through the output to allow proper formatting. We also ran into issues when building the PDF builder and getting the updated solution code to properly format.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are all proud of being able to build a project that we had passion in, we believe that this can help current first years moving to second year to learn proper security within their application faster while also giving them a head start into their future classes.

What we learned

We got a refresher on Node and React, allowing us to become more familiar with some of the many frameworks within JS and implementing APIs to be able to use into our projects.

What's next for JacHack Team RebBull

What's next is to continue in our education, allowing us to learn more programming languages allowing us to become more well-rounded in the coding world.

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