
Inspired by our teammate's experience as an artist longing to bridge the gap between traditional paper-based art and the digital realm, we created IntricaArt. Faced with the challenge of preserving the authenticity of our creations while lacking the means to digitize them, we envisioned a platform that simplifies the process and ensures the integrity of each piece through advanced digital signature technology. IntricaArt is born from our collective passion for empowering artists to share, sell, and protect their art in an increasingly digital landscape.

What it does

IntricaArt is an innovative platform that designed to seamlessly transition traditional paper art into the digital realm, empowering artists to easily showcase, sell, and interact with their creations like never before. With our innovative technology, artists can effortlessly digitize their paper-based works while preserving their originality through robust digital signatures, safeguarding against copyright infringement in an era of AI-generated art. Through IntricaArt, users can explore a vibrant marketplace brimming with unique digital artworks, connect with fellow artists, and embark on a journey of creativity and collaboration in the ever-evolving landscape of digital artistry.

Problems IntricaArt Solving

IntricaArt is an innovative AI-powered marketplace designed to revolutionize the art market by addressing several key problems that both artists and buyers face:

  1. Limited Accessibility for Emerging Artists: Traditional art markets impose high costs and barriers to entry, limiting opportunities for emerging artists to showcase their work.
  2. Art Fraud and Counterfeiting: The prevalence of fraud and counterfeit artworks makes it difficult for buyers to verify the authenticity of art pieces.
  3. Inefficiency in Art Transactions: Traditional art transactions are often slow, opaque, and involve multiple intermediaries, leading to high costs and delays.
  4. Lack of Personalized Art Discovery: Art buyers struggle to find artworks that match their tastes due to inadequate recommendation systems on traditional platforms.
  5. Trust and Transparency Issues: The lack of transparency in the art market leads to trust issues between artists, buyers, and sellers.
  6. Enhancing Artistic Creativity: Artists sometimes need assistance to overcome creative blocks and explore new styles and techniques.

How we built it

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Node.js, MongoDB
  • Programming Language for ML models- Python
  • Libraries- TensorFlow, sklearn, hashlib, pandas, numpy, pillow

Challenges we ran into

  • Coming up with an innovative and unique idea that would immensely help artists
  • Originally, we planned to make a mobile app but since none of us had experience with building a mobile app, we had to switch to making a web platform
  • We ran into some issues while implementing some of the features, but we were able to solve it together

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Collaborating together as a team (even though we were in 2 different continents)
  • Completing the project within the given time frame
  • Being able to implement most of the technical features

What we learned

  • Efficient time management and collaboration
  • Prioritization of important tasks
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Prototyping and creating an MVP

What's next for IntricaArt

While we have a solid foundation on our platform, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Here are some of the features we plan to:

  • Create a mobile app, for ease of user
  • Provide international coverage and multilingual support
  • Have advanced search filters
  • Integrate with social media platforms

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