I was inspired by a game called Traffic Cops 3d

The game that we made is basically a police car that scans the other cars to see what information the police car gets and then you decide what to do, arrest, let go, or fine.

We used a function to make the police car go straight, then we made a gizmo of where the other cars would spawn and made the cars move at a constant speed. The police car has a raycast which is how it scans the car and we made multiple random.range functions for spawning random cars, we also used the function to create random data the police cars get, and we also created random people that spawn if we pull them.

We had multiple glitches like the police car not going behind the car it pulled or the random cars not spawning or the cars not spawning when it was pulled over.

We finished our game early this year and we learned a lot so we will be more than ready for the next hackathon

We learned alot of stuff like using a gizmo and invoke, a function.

We will participate in other CS competitions and hackathons next year as well as learn more about unity.

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