
Our inspiration came from the desire to address societal issues while keeping the integrity of the process in mind. Thus Idyll was born.

What it Does

Idyll is a path for change. This platform that we have created allows stakeholders to be involved in a process of trust and transparency. This provides transparency for community members on how the issue is handled and ensures that their voices are heard. This user-friendly platform helps to address issues that society feels passionate about.

Idyll for All

For community members:

-Members can signup and setup a profile on the Idyll website. They can head over to the Forum section to track and add onto existing discussions on issues raised by the public.

-They can also choose to create a new post for an unaddressed issue and start a conversation.

For NGOs:

-NGOs can filter their searches in the Forum section and keep tabs on public issues gaining more interaction.

-NGOs can choose to take up the responsibility to help solve an issue. The first step is to submit a proposal to the Idyll team that details their experience, interests, and solution process that aligns with the key points from the forum.

-Once Idyll recognizes the authenticity of the proposal, it is published in the Proposals section.

For CSOs:

-Proposals section is dedicated for interaction from CSOs and other organizations that help with the cause that NGOs want to address.

-Collaborations are simplified as Idyll ensures that proposals and issues addressed are in the interest of community members.

-Idyll helps in propelling change as the results of projects and collaborations are regularly updated in the Blog section. This highlights the outcome of the challenges that were once mentioned by community members in the Forum.

How We Built It

We created Idyll with the help of We brainstormed and worked on detailing and organizing ideas to build a website that we were proud of. We have created pages on our site to ensure that it remains efficient and effective to navigate, keeping the user experience in mind. Some of the pages include Forum, Proposals, Blog, and Members to name a few.

Challenges We Ran Into

We ran into a challenge where we struggled to fulfill the requirements for this platform from a holistic point of view. We had difficulty figuring out how we would create a forum so that we could share information on topics of importance to civil society in a safe and concise manner. Ensuring the authenticity of NGO involvement was also an aspect that was tricky to navigate around.

Accomplishments That We're Proud Of!

Upon encountering this problem, we reassessed and worked together on finding out a solution by applying our problem-solving skills. At last, we were able to add the forum feature to our website which would ensure that issues could be communicated in a transparent and hinder less manner.

The addition of a public-led panel for passing NGO proposals was also a success as it involved the society members to a deeper level. Moreover, the user interface is also one of the key highlights of the project.

What We Learned

We learned the importance of creating a platform that puts transparency and accountability on a pedestal. This project also taught us how to overcome challenges and to work within the given deadlines. It also redefined the process of an idea blooming into reality.

What's Next for Idyll

We will be working on refining Idyll to be bigger and better. With an aim to harness the platform to cover all problems and current issues, serving civil society will be at the forefront.

This includes the addition of technology and services to streamline and manage the communication. There is also scope for Idyll in the form of an app in addition to the website.

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New Update: Newsletter! To ensure consistent communication with community members, development of collaborations that are updated on the Blog section will be directly available through email for those who sign up.

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