Inspiration: One of our member’s trips to India revealed the inaccessibility of healthcare throughout the world, as their grandmother suffered from an illness which was not cured until much time because of their remote location. Any medical professionals were miles away and it took many days until she received medical care. This experience made us all wonder how fortunate we are to have hospitals and doctors only miles away from us. However, there are still rural places even in the United States that lack readily available healthcare. For this reason, we decided to create a forum based app where symptoms of any medical conditions can be posted. From which, ChatGPT as well as millions of medical professionals around the world can provide their own diagnosis. We hope that greater communication with these rural communities can truly help change the way they perceive healthcare.

What it does: HealthOracle is an innovative healthcare platform using advanced tech to offer fast, precise diagnoses globally, focusing on remote or underserved areas. With a user-friendly interface and AI powered by GenAI, users can input symptoms and get detailed medical advice. Integrated live doctor forums built on Flask enable real-time interaction with healthcare professionals, supporting remote consultations and personalized treatment suggestions. HealthOracle revolutionizes healthcare delivery, using technology to empower people to take control of their health, no matter where they are or their economic background.

How we built it: HealthOracle was built through a collaborative effort integrating advanced technologies and expertise in healthcare and software development. The process began with extensive research into the healthcare needs of underserved populations, informing the design and functionality of the platform. We made use of programming languages, HTML and Python, incorporating tools such as a GenAI(Chat-GPT) to process user symptoms and provide a diagnosis. Flask was utilized to create a user-friendly interface and facilitate real-time communication between users and healthcare professionals. SQL was used to create a database and store data in a forum-like manner. The development process prioritized making multiple iterations of the code in order to achieve the end product. Our goal in the entire process was to provide a comprehensive healthcare solution that allows individuals, no matter where they live or their economic background, to access timely medical assistance and improve their health outcomes.

Challenges we ran into: Throughout the journey of making HealthOracle we were faced with many challenges. Firstly, we were met with the challenge of incorporating the OpenAI API into the code. However, with researching and reading the documentation we were able to implement the OpenAI API. Additionally, we had trouble making a live database and formatting it in terms of a forum page. To solve this, we employed the use of the tool SQL. Also, to host a website with live comments with a low latency time, we implemented the tool Flask. Despite all of these challenges, using the engineering design process, we were able to research possible solutions and make iterations in our code to get our final product.

Accomplishments that we're proud of: We believe that we created a viable forum app that allows an individual, without the access of physical healthcare, to have access to doctors and professionals throughout the world. The general structure of our database can also easily be expanded and scaled up in order to handle a moderate amount of users. Our use of GenAI was also something new for us and we are proud of the way we incorporated ChatGPT in order to provide a diagnosis. Despite our team’s lack of experience with web hosting, we also created a viable website that can be hosted off of a server computer. Besides our accomplishments in programming, we were also proud of our use of GitHub and brainstorming in order to have all team members on the same page from the start. Additionally, we are proud of the long lasting impact we could create on the rural community by helping them get access to healthcare, no matter where they live or their economic background.

What we learned: Creating HealthOracle helped us realize the long lasting impact programming could have on a community. We learned that 4.5 billion people do not have access to essential health services and diagnosis for their symptoms. We realized that the emergence of new technology such as GenAI could revolutionize healthcare in rural communities. Additionally, we learned how important it is to create a long-lasting community. We were able to accomplish this by creating a forum website where healthcare professional could offer their own diagnosis.

What's next for HealthOracle: HealthOracle's next improvements are to add image processing to generate results based on images of the patient to correctly diagnose things such as bug bites or skin diseases. To provide more accurate generated diagnoses, we would like to incorporate information from medical databases like the CDC. To accommodate for patients globally we will expand language expansion in our user interface. To promote more collaboration to those who share our same vision, we will make our project open source on Github. We are confident HealthOracle will establish a community of doctors and other healthcare professionals to help under serviced individuals.

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