
The countless times when the people we know and our loved ones submit personal information to scammers or dangerous websites.

What it does

This Chrome extension makes filling out forms much more difficult; preventing cyberattacks, increasing time needed to fill in the information and allowing frustration to minimize older audiences from submitting information.

How we built it

We built this using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Chrome Manifest V3, Next.js, TypeScript, Material UI Library, Figma

Challenges we ran into

There were many features that we wanted to incorporate but it was much more difficult than we anticipated. For example, we can not include the camera features due to permission issues.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating a Chrome extension with limited prior exposure and practice.

What we learned

Chrome extensions were a lot more difficult than we anticipated, due to certain blockers on the website that we could not bypass.

What's next for HackerHare

We would like to integrate Google Maps for forms that ask for our location; AI integration to remove client text-input, and camera integration for ID verification.

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