85% of lecturers find grading assessments repetitive and time-consuming. 95% of students feel education ends with examination. Our survey


Our team, comprised of students who have navigated the Nigerian educational system, has firsthand experience with its challenges. In our journey, we've encountered the unpredictability and subjectivity of exam grading, where factors like handwriting and lecturer mood can heavily influence outcomes. This unreliable marking system not only fails to provide clear feedback for improvement but also perpetuates inequity in education.

As an educator with a degree in computer science and educational psychology, I understand the struggles of assessing and providing feedback to numerous students consistently. Whether grading code submissions or gauging audience comprehension at workshops, the sheer volume of assessments poses a daunting task. This experience highlighted the need for a more efficient and objective grading solution to support both educators and learners.

During the regional hackathon hosted by GDG Lagos, we embarked on a transformative journey to address the systemic challenges in education. Guided by the principles of design thinking, we delved into brainstorming sessions, exploring a myriad of problems plaguing various sectors, from retail to healthcare. As we reflected on our own experiences navigating the educational landscape in Nigeria, a common thread emerged— the opaque and inequitable nature of assessment and grading systems.

Building Process:

Driven by empathy, we sought to understand the perspectives of other stakeholders in the educational ecosystem— peers, educators, and administrators. Drawing from our personal encounters and engaging in candid discussions with former lecturers, we uncovered the pervasive issues surrounding exam grading. From the burdensome process of manually marking paper-based exams to the logistical nightmares of managing scripts, the challenges faced by educators were glaringly apparent. Moreover, we recognized the aspirations of educational institutions to expand access to learning opportunities while grappling with the constraints of limited resources and manpower.

Inspired by these insights, we honed in on the pivotal role of technology in revolutionizing the grading process and enhancing learning outcomes. Our vision crystallized into Gradr AI— a groundbreaking solution designed to automate grading, deliver actionable feedback, and personalize learning experiences. By harnessing the power of Generative AI, we aimed to empower both educators and learners with efficient, transparent, and equitable assessment practices. The building process was marked by meticulous planning, collaborative ideation, and iterative prototyping. We navigated through the five stages of design thinking, distilling complex challenges into actionable insights and innovative solutions. Each step brought us closer to our goal of reimagining education through technology.

Key components emerged from our deliberations— the need for comprehensive exam preparation, fair and timely grading mechanisms, insightful feedback delivery, and personalized learning paths. These pillars formed the foundation, guiding our next efforts and shaping our approach to tackling the multifaceted issues plaguing the educational landscape. Following the principles of design thinking, we meticulously crafted Gradr AI to address the key pain points identified during the empathy stage.

Innovation and Challenges Faced:

Navigating the complexities of data preprocessing for the student responses, examiners questions, and additional referrals, ensuring fairness in grading, and optimizing algorithm performance were significant challenges. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Google's Generative AI tools, we provided prompts that assess responses based on the content of the work, the level of understanding demonstrated, the quality of the writing or presentation, and adherence to guidelines provided by the examiner, ensuring algorithmic fairness and providing valuable and constructive feedback which can be combined with the question, syllabus, marking guide, recommended, and available recordings of classes to provide personalized feedback to students.

Our Google AI technologies include:

  1. Gemini-Pro-Vision: Extracts text from images for analysis.
  2. GenAI: Generates responses based on input materials.
  3. Gemini Pro: Compares student answers to generated responses.
  4. Chat agents: Enable instructors to request analysis via chat.
  5. GenAI feedback: Provides personalized feedback to students based on assessment criteria and performance.

By leveraging these Google AI tools, we ensure efficiency, accuracy, and personalized support in the grading process.Yet, our unwavering determination and collaborative spirit propelled us forward, refining Gradr AI into a transformative educational tool.

Learning Journey:

Gradr AI's competitive advantage lies in its robust Generative AI algorithms, real-time feedback capabilities, and adaptive learning algorithms. Unlike conventional grading systems, Gradr AI offers instant feedback, personalized learning paths, and comprehensive performance analytics, empowering learners to excel and educators to thrive. Gradr AI offers diverse applications beyond traditional educational settings. Here are 10 use cases:

  1. Classroom Assessments: Gradr assists teachers in grading various types of assessments such as essays, multiple-choice questions, and coding assignments, providing scores with justifications and constructive feedback to students.
  2. Workshops and Conferences: Gradr evaluates participants' performance in workshops and conferences, offering instant feedback and personalized learning recommendations on presentation skills, coding challenges, and workshop activities.
  3. Job Application Feedback: Gradr streamlines the feedback process for job applicants by providing constructive feedback on resumes, cover letters, and interview performances, helping candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  4. Competitions and Hackathons: Gradr assesses submissions, provides scores with justifications, and offers tailored feedback to participants in competitions and hackathons, enhancing the learning experience and encouraging continuous improvement.
  5. Online Courses and MOOCs: Gradr enhances the learning experience in online courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by automating assessment grading, providing personalized feedback, and guiding learners through their educational journey.
  6. Professional Development Programs: Gradr evaluates participants' skill development activities in professional development programs, such as case studies, simulations, or role-playing exercises, offering feedback and recommending personalized learning paths for professional growth.
  7. Language Learning Platforms: Gradr integrates into language learning platforms to assess language proficiency assessments, oral presentations, or written compositions, providing feedback on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation to guide learners in improving their language skills effectively.
  8. Student Competitions: Gradr assists in grading student competitions, such as science fairs or debate tournaments, by evaluating presentations, research papers, or argumentation, and providing feedback to participants to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  9. Academic Research Projects: Gradr supports academic research projects by evaluating research proposals, literature reviews, or research findings, offering feedback on clarity, depth of analysis, and adherence to research methodologies.
  10. Internship and Experiential Learning Programs: Gradr assesses internships or experiential learning projects by evaluating project deliverables, reports, or presentations, providing feedback on project management skills, problem-solving abilities, and professional communication. Beyond its immediate impact, Gradr AI is highly adaptable and scalable, capable of catering to various educational contexts and scaling up for broader implementation. Its versatility would allow for seamless integration into existing educational systems while offering tailored solutions to diverse learning environments.

Monetization Strategy

Target Market:

  1. Higher Education Institutions: Gradr serves higher education institutions looking to streamline grading processes, support faculty development, and enhance student engagement and retention.
  2. Corporate Training Programs: Gradr caters to corporate training programs seeking to automate assessment processes, provide personalized feedback, and optimize learning outcomes for employees.
  3. Language Learning Platforms: Gradr partners with language learning platforms to integrate AI-powered assessment and feedback capabilities, enriching the learning experience for language learners.
  4. Professional Certification Programs: Gradr supports professional certification programs by providing automated grading, personalized feedback, and adaptive learning paths for candidates preparing for certification exams.

Projected Impact:

  • Time Savings: Gradr reduces grading time by up to 70%, allowing educators to focus more on instructional activities and student support.
  • Improved Learning Outcomes: By providing personalized feedback and adaptive learning paths, Gradr helps students achieve higher academic performance and mastery of course content.
  • Enhanced Educator Efficiency: Gradr empowers educators with data-driven insights and tools to optimize instructional strategies and interventions, leading to greater educator satisfaction and effectiveness.

Revenue Channels:

  1. Subscription Revenue: Offer tiered subscription plans for educational institutions, corporate clients, and language learning platforms, with monthly or annual billing options.

  2. Enterprise Solutions: Provide customized solutions and enterprise-grade support for large educational organizations and corporate clients.

  3. Freemium Model: Offer a basic version for free with limited features, and upsell premium features and add-ons to users.

  4. Partnerships and Integrations: Generate revenue through partnerships with LMS providers, language learning platforms, and professional certification programs, through revenue sharing agreements and integration fees.

These revenue projections are based on market research, user feedback, and assumptions about market adoption and pricing strategy.


Gradr AI is poised to save over 20,000 hours for assessors per session in a school with 5,000 students. Additionally, it enables the admission of 10,000 more students, each receiving personalized feedback on assessments, leading to a remarkable 60% improvement in academic performance and a 40% increase in employability

This showcases the culmination of our efforts to address the systemic challenges in education through innovation and technology. By automating grading processes, providing actionable feedback, and personalizing learning experiences, we would empower educators and learners worldwide. Our journey underscores the transformative potential of Generative AI in revolutionizing education and fostering equitable access to quality learning opportunities.

By harnessing the power of AI-driven assessment and feedback mechanisms, we aim to foster a culture of continuous improvement, empowerment, and excellence in education and beyond. Looking ahead, we envision a future where Gradr AI transcends boundaries, revolutionizing not only education but also business practices, workforce development, and lifelong learning initiatives by embracing inclusivity, transparency, and personalized learning experiences for all.In conclusion, Gradr AI represents a pivotal milestone in the evolution of education, bridging the gap between traditional assessment practices and cutting-edge technology. Our journey from inception to realization has been guided by a relentless pursuit of innovation, empathy, and transformative change.

"Gradr AI would revolutionize the way we approach assessment and grading, empowering both educators and learners with unprecedented insights and opportunities for growth."- Professor Idowu K.A.

In addition to Professor Idowu's endorsement, other educators, students and judges alike at the regional hackathon in lagos praised Gradr AI for its transformative impact on teaching and learning. With projections indicating widespread adoption and positive outcomes across different domains, Gradr AI stands as a testament to its potential to revolutionize education.

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