
There are many apps that do not provide a stable way to look at grades.

What it does

Upon login, it redirects the user to a page with their schedule, grades, and mental health tips based on their grades.

How we built it

We used HTML, JS and CSS to create a login page and a grades page. We used Gemini API to translate the grades into mental health suggestions.

Challenges we ran into

The formatting and grammatical errors of Gemini were both errors we had to face and resolve while coding.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of creating a clean login page and a grades/schedule page that web-scrapes a page.

What we learned

We learned how to incorporate AI into our project using the Gemini API. We learned how to make visually appealing CSS elements.

What's next for GradeGrowth

We plan to incorporate more web-scraped data such as marking periods, assignments, lunch balances, misc. information, etc.

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