
My inspiration for this whole business is my daughter Arthi, who suffered from PTSD after a stalker followed her and her sister to school, and body worn camera footage was integral in securing a court court restraining order. She has been studying and surveying police departments for 5 years. see:

What it does

A helmet that uses computer vision to detect drones through an upward facing camera.

How we built it

Took a bicycle helmet, retrofitted camera to face up, tied to a threat detection model to add drone detection, and used React/Figma/Flask

Challenges we ran into

Camera would not stay on

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Proud of my team working all night on this with me.

What we learned

Teams can come together and shine in crunch time!

What's next for GovGPT Hornet

Hopefully VCs will see the power of our team to execute projects that are important to national security.

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