GIVO - The Social Economy

Project description

We believe the economy should be inclusive, collaborative and optimized for humanity to prosper. It should allow (equal) opportunities for everyone (individuals, businesses and governments) to contribute to society with their skills, talents and resources while respecting our natural environment.​

As the engine of society's value exchange, the economy should utilize all available talents, skills and resources. No matter if it is deemed economically feasible from the traditional monetary perspective. In crisis situations money (not having it) is a huge obstacle to mobilize resources to the places where it has the most impact.​

GIVO replaces money with algorithms.

The Covid-19 crisis provides us with a unique opportunity to source talents and resources and direct these forms of value towards the problems society experiences in this crisis.​

Our solutions

GIVO Mobile App

Our user platform allows multilateral bartering of goods and services without the use of money. This is achieved by matching people's offers in circles which results in receiving from, and giving to different people. The platform is powered by our 'Atomic Loops' engine, which is designed to operate fully peer-2-peer for our future WEB3 implementation.

Started: April 2019 (Odyssey Hackathon) State: Alpha - Ongoing technical testing

GIVO Community Web Portal

Our business and Social projects web portal. This is where businesses and social initiatives interact with the userbase. Anyone can start a Social initiative and crowdsource local resources. Businesses can express their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by engaging with their community through offering of contributions.

Started: Covid-19 Hackathon March 2020 State: Prototyping with operational backend integration

Key take-aways: The GIVO platform allows any individual, organization or institution to:

  • Initiate a project that adds value to their community
  • Crowdsource resources locally
  • Support initiatives through multi-stakeholder directed value flows

Hackathon goals

  • Allow collective contributions to flow towards local people in need due to Covid-19 and allow people impacted by Covid-19 to find help within their community.
  • Build a web portal for business to actively contribute to the Covid-19 crisis in any form and gain visibility and appreciation through their contributions

Hackathon deliverables:


  • [x] Introduction slide-deck to kickstart our dev community PDF #### GIVO Community Web Portal
  • [x] Design a UX flow Figma
  • [x] Create wireframes Figma
  • [x] Design the key portal components Figma
  • [x] Develop frontend of the web portal Mov file showing routing & Online Demo
  • Business overview page
  • Add contribution page
  • [x] Develop rest API’s on the backend (Sorry these are stored in a private repo)
    • For creating businesses
  • For creating social projects
  • For mapping badges to social projects

GIVO Mobile App Figma

  • [x] Design the business offers
  • [x] Design the social project offers
  • [x] Design the social project detail page
  • [x] Design connect page that includes badges

Presenting the project & hackathon results

  • [x] Create a kick-ass video

Thank you everyone for a great Hackathon. It's been really intense but also really satisfying. I believe we've made great progress! Cheers!

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