
The inspiration stemmed from the idea of applying the powerful capabilities of generative AI (Gen AI) to a field in dire need of such technology. Discovering that Google's Gemini model possesses image analysis capabilities and can provide users with information from diverse sources solidified the belief that it could be the perfect tool to address the challenge of plant disease detection.

What it does

Flora Snap utilizes advanced image analysis powered by the Google Gemini API to instantly diagnose plant diseases from uploaded images or user queries. It provides personalized recommendations for plant care and management based on the diagnosis.

How we built it

We built Flora Snap using Flutter for the mobile app development, integrating the Google Gemini API for image analysis. The backend logic was implemented using Python, and we used Firebase for user authentication and data storage.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main challenges we encountered was fine-tuning the machine learning model for accurate disease detection. We also had to optimize the app's performance to ensure smooth user experience, especially with image processing tasks.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're proud of successfully implementing automatic disease detection and personalized recommendations within the app. Additionally, achieving seamless integration with the Google Gemini API and delivering a user-friendly interface were significant accomplishments.

What we learned

Through building Flora Snap, we gained valuable insights into image analysis techniques, machine learning model optimization, and mobile app development. We also learned about the importance of user feedback and continuous iteration for improving app usability.

What's next for Flora Snap

In the future, we aim to expand Flora Snap's database of plant diseases and treatments, enhance its machine learning capabilities for even more accurate diagnoses, and explore additional features such as community forums and real-time notifications for plant care reminders.

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