
Our inspiration was nordic fireplace, where people gathered to talk without any external disturbances. The only place which could hold a viking fully engaged.

What it does

It allows you to join to the group of people where you are awarded when app window is turned on and punished when its not. The goal is not to use the app itself but rather disallow people from using distractors on their phone and focus on each other. The app saves your results which can be used for tracking your own progress.

How we built it

We built it as a web app with potential to be fully independent app. We used technologies such as html, Java Script, CSS, Flask, Jinja and SQLAlchemy.

Challenges we ran into

The main problem was accomplishing reliable window visibility change detection. We wanted detection to be selective for situations like changing tabs or minimizing the browser, but not when device is in sleep mode. It finally turned out that it's impossible and such feature could be implemented in mobile app.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of successfully implementing database which stores user data, reliable, responsive and themed interface which explores main hackathon topic.

What we learned

As absolute beginners in web dev technologies we are proud that we successfully implemented functional website application and accomplished most of our goals.

What's next for Fireplace

Fireplace has potential to implement multiple features exploring the topic of focus and self improvement, such as adding online meeting features ensuring attention of guests, developing more advanced systems of self assessment and reward for the effort put in or alternative social media approach, where personal, close contact is valued the most. First step would be to create a full-fledged mobile application.

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