We were inspired by the California fires and wanted to create fire-based game.

The game is centered around Morris the Fireman. He is a controlled by a custom gyroscope controller and the goal of the game is to put out fires around the city. We built the game using the Unity game engine as well as the Arduino IDE for the microcontroller. We used a MPU-6050 3 Axis Accelerometer to measure tilt, yaw, and roll. By using these technologies we were able to make a custom physical controller which is used to control the game.

We had difficulty interfacing the output in Unity with the rotation of the controller since we used a premade asset for 3rd person control.

We are proud that we were able to develop a controller with accurate output to the USB serial. We are also proud of creating a functional UI, as well as an enjoyable game which has unique functionality.

We learned how to use i2c protocol to interface with the gyroscope controller. We also learnt how to use new packages in Unity like Cinemachine.

We will finish the interface with the Unity character controller so that we can use the inputs detected in Unity to actually move the character.

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