
We listened to Fidelity panel members whose stories empowered us and inspired us to make this app

What it does

Seeks to make financial literacy and responsibility accessible and engaging for underserved demographics and communities.

How we built it

We used HTML and CSS for the front end of our actual web app prototype but we planned it out with Figma and Balsamiq to make an interactive prototype. We used canva for visual design throughout the project.

Challenges we ran into

We faced an early setback with Java Maven that forced us to restructure our project roadmap to adjust to the adversity.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Finishing a functional prototype of a creative design we came up with from scratch and being able to meet a lot of people during this experience.

What we learned

Skills pertaining to front end development and networking with high level Fidelity employees.

What's next for FinLit

We hope to have a product ready to release to the public eventually. In a farther reaching roadmap, we would like to partner with a firm like Fidelity Investments to workshop an in-app investment tool to further make prosperity accessible for all.

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