
Inspired by the desire to bring financial empowerment to individuals and families, our project was born out of the belief that everyone deserves a stress-free and intelligent approach to managing their finances. Fueled by a passion for simplicity and innovation, our team envisioned a tool that not only assists in budgeting but does so with the personalized touch of an AI chatbot. We aimed to create a seamless experience where users feel supported, informed, and in control of their financial well-being, all while harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology. This project is driven by the commitment to make budgeting a positive and enlightening journey for every user, providing them with the tools they need to achieve their financial goals effortlessly.

What it does

Provides a convenient Chatbot AI that uses Wolfram Alpha's conversational api, and also provides a budgeting tool to help people of all ages keep track of their budgeting.

How we built it

We used a combination of NextJS, JS, HTML5, CSS, along with the Wolfram Alpha Conversational API in order to create this application. We used NextJS in order to connect to the API, which then allowed us to create an environment where the user can ask specific questions not only about finance, but also about other topics that the user might be interested in, allowing the API chat bot to act as a friend for the user. A combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript were used in order to create a functioning introduction page for our product and a budget page. These pages serve as a aesthetically pleasing and simple environment for the user's finance needs.

Challenges we ran into

Integrating Wolfram Alpha api.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We got it done! Yay!

What we learned

Team work. Collaboration. Speed prototyping.

What's next for Fin Friend

Definitely needs refinement. Will advance the features.

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