Inspiration in finance system predict in analyzation of business, it should be managed in profit of investment. The product exists in perfect conditions, the price exists in prefect payment, and the marketing exist in perfect place. What statistic indicate enrich in potential of administrator. So That; AI: Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning with algorithm create in general management. Data and information process in acknowledge which intelligence of vendor and customer; Profit indicates more than prediction.

What it does predict in finance system so that it can be managing in demand and supply whether what it should being or what it should not being arranges on investment. AI and ML assists in velocity of marketing system, lead of business honors in statistics

How we built it with step by step in procedure selects in team of administrator, they cooperates in AI and ML with algorithm processes in real time or any time to being Notify; such as filling in data and information, and the occur AI Notify, evaluate model occur in result to being Error or not.

Challenges we ran into basically consolidates in AI and ML which they can be creating in possible of marketing. Part of it implies in Finance system. General management enrich in creative which potential AI exists in Notify, Ml exists in Prediction in resolve the trouble.

Accomplishments that we're proud of them can be indicates in perfect applications which it basically processes in coding, configuration, and procedures. So that; it implies in standard performance management; they enrich in both CRM and CMS.

What we learned in WebApp and Azure machine learning studio prepares and provide in perfect management, users can be consolidated in practice with knowledge by Microsoft machine learning studio in advance or other trainings.

What's next for FI in AI Notify FO in ML Prediction exists in phototype of beginner developer who can be developing in advance process exists in FI, result exists in FO. Lower investment more profit; lead of business manages in marketing system. Finance system implies in HE.

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Inspiration in finance system predict in analyzation of business, it should be managed in profit of investment. The product exists in perfect conditions, the price exists in prefect payment, and the marketing exist in perfect place. What statistic indicate enrich in potential of administrator. So That; AI: Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning with algorithm create in general management. Data and information process in acknowledge which intelligence of vendor and customer; Profit indicates more than prediction.

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