I wanted to create something to help students explore careers they can do or help the millions of people around the world who hate their jobs to find something they love. Inspired by tools like
What it does
This app lets people upload their resumes, fill in some of their interests, and get a list of possible careers they could do. They can then click into any of the possible careers for a personalized career plan for each one.
How we built it
Tech Stack:
- Llama-3 through Groq for LLM inference
- S3 / ByteScale for the PDF storage
- Next.js App Router for the framework
- Vercel for hosting
- Tailwind CSS for styling
Architecture diagram:
What's next for ExploreCareers
- Add auth with clerk and rate limiting with Redis to launch publicly
- Use an agent workflow with Crew AI to make this more robust overall
- Add functionality for people to alternatively paste in their LinkedIn URL instead of resume with
- Fine-tune Llama-3-8B on making the job plan
- Improve PDF parsing functionality to include image detection and OCR
- Scrape Udemy/LinkedIn Learning to include their courses in plans that are generated
- Add observability with Hugging Face’s weave
Built With
- brave
- groq
- llama-3
- next.js
- ollama
- s3
- tailwind
- typescript
- vercel
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