
I was inspired by my father, who works for a water district. He explained the impact of illegal fishing on local rivers, and we attempted to solve this issue through our tool. We also added other tools, like bird identification and soil fertility identification.

What it does

This program identifies fish types, evaluates soil fertility for farmers, and identifies birds based on their songs.

How we built it

We built this in Python, and used CustomTkinter for the GUI

Challenges we ran into

We ran into issues with creating buttons that returned back to the homescreen from various areas in the program

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of the accuracy of the AI models, considering our time constraints

What we learned

We learned how to use the CustomTkinter library for creating a modern UI in Python.

What's next for Environmentalist's Handbook

Built With

  • customtkinter
  • kaggle
  • python
  • sklearn
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