
Our inspiration stemmed from the belief that every student deserves personalized support and guidance throughout their academic journey. We witnessed the immense potential of artificial intelligence in analyzing student data and uncovering valuable insights. Recognizing the power of understanding the factors that influence student trajectories, we aimed to provide a process for timely interventions and a methodology to empower students to reach their full potential.

What it does

The focus of EmpowerAI is to leverage a survey-based approach with Buffalo Prep alumni to gather valuable information related to their academic experiences and background factors. By asking alumni about their access to the internet, level of school assistance, family size, and self-assessed mastery in various subjects, EmpowerAI trains its predictive model to make accurate predictions on prospective students who take the same survey.

With this predictive model, Buffalo Prep can effectively identify students who potentially require more attention and academic assistance. By analyzing the survey responses and predicting the needs of incoming students, the school can proactively allocate resources, tailor support programs, and provide targeted interventions to ensure that each student receives the necessary assistance to succeed academically. EmpowerAI empowers Buffalo Prep to prioritize and focus on students who are likely to benefit from additional support, ultimately improving student outcomes and fostering a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.

How we built it

  • Python
  • Google Colaboratory
    • Google Drive API

Challenges we ran into

  • Finding an appropriate data set

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