
Learning systems like Duolingo that offer competition and a game-like experience.

What it does

Creates an environment that is easy to use and document for both teachers and students.

How we built it

We used python as the backend with a package created by Carl (webpy). We used PropelAuth for user authentication and data storage, and MongoDB as our main database. The server is hosted on Render and dns connection from GoDaddy. TinyMCE was used to document and write code in the front end. The rest of the front end is coded in vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Challenges we ran into

Many of these APIs needed a deep dive into documentation in order to properly implement their features, and other issues including lack of compatibility offered a challenge when putting these pieces together. We originally used Firebase for our database but it turned out to be very slow at retrieving data sometimes so we eventually switched to MongoDB.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're especially proud of being able to utilize everyone’s strengths in order to combat the tight deadline and various technical challenges.

What we learned

We learned how to use many technologies as well as learning how to use abstraction in order to seamlessly switch between said technologies.

What's next for EduQuest

We’re planning on expanding the gamification system as well as implementing more flexibility in submitting assignments online which, in turn, results in a higher quality learning experience.

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