
We were inspired to build this project when we discovered how significant of an impact motor vehicles play on carbon emissions overall, and how much of this could be mitigated by taking advantage of public transit.

What it does

EcoTransit provides a map interface where users will be able to see nearby transit routes as well as how much carbon emissions they will be reducing by taking transit versus driving.

How we built it

We used Svelte, Tailwind, and shadcn for the frontend, Mapbox for mapping, and WolframAlpha and Carbon interface for the backend calculations.

Challenges we ran into

We had trouble with implementing our map environment and carbon emission calculations, which was much harder than we anticipated.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud that we overcame our obstacles with the mapping to make our final product. We are also proud of the elegance and intuitiveness of our UI and its compatibility with multiple platforms.

What we learned

We learned how to leverage multiple new technologies with each other, like WolframAlpha's API, MapBox, and the Carbon Interface, to perform our backend calculations.

What's next for EcoTransit

Next, we plan on expanding the range in which EcoTransit will pull data, as well as adding data for other forms of transit like bikes.

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