I was really inspired by the lack of knowlege that me and my freinds has about our ecological footprint, and I did'nt even know what that was untile I learned about it in my AP enviomental science class, So I thought it would be a fun project to create a quiz that tells the severity of a persons ecological footprint while also educating them on way to reduce it.

It asks the user questions and for every question they answer, it give them a fun fact, Think of it similar to the concept of ads, its everywhere and the stratery is for the information to go to the subconsious portion of your brain so you would have the brand in the back of your head, like wise the goal in EcoCal is taregtting for these facts to go into your subconsious by asking questions and sprinking facts in between. In addition, EcoCal also calalauates how severe your ecological foot is and ways to reduce it

I built EcoCal it in Replit, I used the coding langauge python.

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