
April 22nd is Earth day an annual worldwide celebration to raise awareness around environmental concerns. Many cleanup events are organized around the world in many local communities.

What it does

This app helps you find easily events around you and connect with your local community.

How I built it

Extracted and cleaned data from map available on

Used Dfinity Internet Computer to store the events.

Motoko functions to run the search

Vue.js and Buefy for the frontend framework

Challenges I ran into

Getting familiar with Motoko.

Being able to seed data beforehand

Write in Motoko a function to search by distance

Data is not consistent, I would need to spend some time to clean dates and information + provide an image for each event

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Using once again Vue.js :D

Disovering dfinity and Motoko

What I learned

Running and deploying a website on the Internet Computer

What's next for Earthday cleanup

Add a function to search by distance

Add a way to login and identify users

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