I wanted to build an exchange on Lisk and finally came up with this project
What it does
Our Multichain Decentralized Financial Exchange (Dunaswap) will serve as a comprehensive and secure platform for users to trade various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, tokens, and other blockchain-based assets. Leveraging the power of multiple blockchain networks, our exchange will provide users with enhanced liquidity, scalability, and interoperability.
How we built it
The project consists of the smart contract and the front end. The smart contract was written with solidity. compile with solidity 8.17 and deployed on Lisk sepolia testnet. The frontend was designed with React, CSS, and metamask wallets. EthersJS was used for the integration of both the front end and back end while communicating with the smart contract ABIs.
Challenges we ran into
This is my first Dex project and it was adventurous. I lot of Tests and retests. Making sure that the token is properly approved before buying was a huge task that i am proud that it worked.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
The whole project working out as expected was an accomplishment. The projects deployed on Lisk Testnet are :
What we learned
I learned to properly check and test my contract because this is a Defi application and mistakes are costly.
What's next for Dunaswap Exchange
- Fetching prices from a price feed on mainnet
- Adding more tokens for trading and exchange
- Adding more chains for increase liquidity
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