
The genesis of our project stemmed from the frustration of enduring lengthy queues during a previous hospital visit. This experience ignited our passion to revolutionize the appointment booking process.

What it does

DocMate is a one-stop app for hassle-free appointment booking from home, ensuring efficient scheduling and improved healthcare delivery. Using the Gemini AI allows users to have better knowledge of their diagnosis before booking appointments.

How we built it

Our project materialized through meticulous planning, relentless teamwork, and unwavering commitment. Harnessing our collective expertise, we embarked on a journey to create an innovative solution to address the challenges faced by patients and healthcare providers alike. We used React.js with Node.js and

Challenges we ran into

Despite our fervent determination, meeting deadlines proved to be a formidable obstacle. However, our resilience and perseverance enabled us to navigate through adversities, emerging stronger and more resilient than before.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

Through a collaborative effort, dedication, and consistent work, we gleaned valuable insights into the intricacies of streamlining appointment management. Each hurdle presented an opportunity for growth and refinement.

What's next for DocMate

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