Our Inspiration

So our team mate Khoa is a medical student who has worked at 5 hospitals around Victoria. Patient Misidentification is a serious and costly problem. As a doctor, how do you know you're looking at the correct patient, and in your hand how do you know you have the correct prescriptions and protocol?

Patient Misidentification is how overdosage happens, it's how people die.

To illustrate how the whole problem unfolds, as a doctor, I have my usual rounds around the ward. I have up to 30 patients to see, and EACH of them gets a really fat binder fileswhich I have to carry around. It would be impossible for me to carry around 30 binder files at a time, and so I have to go back and forth to my office.

That's when shit happens. I confuse patients and prescriptions.

In a 12-month study conducted for the UK National Patient Safety Agency in 2006, more than one in 10 reported cases of patients “being mismatched to their care” were related to wristbands. Such mismatches occurred in more than 2900 of the total 24,382 reports of patients receiving the wrong care from February 2006 to January 2007.1


What it does

DOChuman, pronounced "documen" (in line with @developersteve's import-ant puns) is live patient information for doctors.

How it works is that we give each patient a unique identifier in the form of Estimote. When a doctor walks near a patient, the patient's information automatically pops up on the doctor's iPad.

How we built it

We did our UI on Sketch, coded in Swift for the iOS app and linked the two.

Challenges we ran into

The three Estimotes cannot be sensed by the iPad simultaneously so it doesn't exactly do what we intended it to do. We could not find a work around.

UI looks funny on the iPad.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Our UI on Sketch looks awesome and we found a real problem that needs solving.

What we learned

We need to gain more developer experience for UNIHACK.

What's next for DOChuman

We're gonna continue improving the app.

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