
The inspiration behind the Diversity in Tech Workplace project comes from a desire to highlight and address the disparities in gender and racial diversity within the technology industry.

What it does

The project visualizes diversity data for major tech companies over several years, focusing on gender and racial composition. It provides an interactive platform where users can select a year and view detailed charts showing the distribution of male and female employees, as well as racial diversity percentages for each company.

How we built it

I built the project using a combination of Pandas for data processing and React with Chart.js for the frontend. The data is first cleaned and organized by year using Python, and then saved into JSON files. These JSON files are then loaded into the React application, where Chart.js is used to create interactive charts that display the data.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main challenges I faced was making sure the data was accurately cleaned and formatted for visualization.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I am proud of creating a user-friendly and visually appealing platform that effectively highlights diversity metrics in the tech industry. The integration of Python and React, along with the use of Chart.js for data visualization, allowed us to build a powerful tool for raising awareness about diversity in tech workplaces.

What we learned

Throughout the project, I learned a lot about data preprocessing, visualization, and the importance of clean and consistent data. I also gained valuable experience in integrating different technologies (Python, Pandas, React, Chart.js). Additionally, the project showed the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how data visualization can be a powerful tool in driving change.

What's next for Diversity in Tech Workplace

Looking ahead, I plan to expand the dataset to include more companies and additional years of data. I also aim to add more interactive features, such as filtering by specific diversity metrics and providing detailed company profiles. I also plan on tracking data from new hire grads and how diversity comes in to play for those positions.

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