
"How many times have we spent sitting at a red light waiting for no one? Let's fix that, with the help of AI."

What it does

The coded part of this project simulates the behavior of a 4-point intersection with traffic lights switching based on the time waited by every vehicle. It attempts to minimize the amount of vehicles waiting and the time waited.

However, the project goes far beyond that. The idea is to implement this solution in the real world with the help of Computer Visualization that tracks vehicles and feeds this data to our program.

How we built it

We used Java to implement our design and simulation.

Challenges we ran into

  • Deciding what solution we wanted to deliver based on the tight deadline.
  • How to make the computer understand how an intersection works.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Overcoming the challenges that we faced and being able to deliver a solution.

What we learned

  • Intersections are harder than they seem.
  • AI is a very broad term that is often overused.

What's next for Deimos

As we already mentioned, Deimos' idea is to translate our simulation of a more efficient intersection to the real world. The evolution of this project can be boundless. Some ideas that come to our minds:

  • Feeding the control algorithm with vehicle types data to switch lights based on priority (buses, emergency responders, etc.)
  • Taking pedestrians into account.
  • Making it usable for 3-point intersections.

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