
In the freelancing world many fake promises are being made people pretending to be someone they are not. DecFree aims to change that with the strength of community leveraging with the help of web3.

What it does

On its core its a DeFi app built with the principles of croudsourcing. The Freelancer post their bid and it was taken care by some workers. The worker verifies the skills of the freelancer for the needed project by going to their github.

How I built it

The frontend is in Nextjs and backend in nodejs written in typescript while the web3 bits are in solidity and hardhat

Challenges I ran into

It was my first web3 project hence ran into many problems but the most prominent one was the transaction logic and connecting smart-contract to the frontend

Accomplishments that I am proud of

As I said its my first web3 project, It took around 10 days and in this 10 days I think I have learnt more than I would have in 10 months if I have taken a course/bootcamp.

What I learned

I learnt how a blockchain works along with solidity and hardhat

What's next for DecFree

I want to make DecFree real-time. I think only a web-socket connection instead of http will do that. Also when client posts project I want to mint NFT using the info of that project.

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