What was the inspiration for creating CYFIBOT?

Inspiration was brought about by solving trading, asset and portfolio management problem with the use of artificial intelligence

How does CYFIBOT work?

CYFIBOT trades or provides insight on your behalf, and helps monitor the entire market, ranging from cryptocurrency to forex currently and extensible to other markets.

How was it built?

we built by combining expertise acquired over the years to facilitate the development of this product and make it what it is today. The most powerful portfolio management engine

Challenges faced

Challenges we ran into includes

  • Interfacing multiple forex brokers into the app, which is currently been worked on.
  • funds to properly structure the app (still room for implementation).
  • acquring neccessary licences to expand functionalities that requires regulation

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

  • automated trading,
  • signal providing,
  • Artificial intelligence
  • good user interface

Lessons Learned.

What we learned is that there is no system with a 100% accuracy and we did a better join getting close to those numbers through the help of AI dependent ton time

What's next for CYFIBOT

  • Global adoption
  • better system upgrade
  • integration into

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