CVS: Revolutionizing Voting


Triggered by flawed club voting systems, we embarked on creating CVS to revolutionize voting with transparency, security, and ease.

What it does

CVS is a centralized voting platform that ensures secure, anonymous, and efficient elections, streamlining the process for diverse organizations.

How We Built It

Through strategic role allocation and leveraging individual strengths, our team efficiently developed CVS, blending innovation with technical prowess.

Challenges We Ran Into

Navigating new technologies and synchronizing a diverse team under tight deadlines posed significant challenges, strengthening our adaptability and teamwork.

Accomplishments We're Proud Of

Our crowning achievement is the rapid development and deployment of CVS in just three days, demonstrating our team’s synergy and dedication.

What We Learned

This project was a crucible of growth, enhancing our technical skills, team management, and resilience, and fostering a strong sense of unity.

What's Next for CVS

We aim to enhance CVS with visual features for voting pages and develop API access for seamless integration into larger organizational systems, broadening our impact.

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