The licensed cannabis industry does not have a ledgering system for tracking and remaining compliant to laws and regulations via blockchain technology. With Ethereum's high gas fees this is not sufficient for industrial use of ledgering many tx's onchain. The Tron Blockchain inspired and enabled Crypto Cannabis Grow (CCG) dapp to become a reality for use case with next to no transactional fees.
What it does:
Crypto Cannabis Grow Dapp tracks and ledgers dynamic growth of licensed real cannabis on to the Tron Blockchain. Each real plant being grown is ledgered via a digital one with a smart contract logic system in place to read and determine the time of growth. When growth cycles complete the CCG DApp tracks and batches plants ready for harvest apart from plants still in growth cycle. A great win for the dispensaries is to save on costs with the current seed to sale ledger systems in place that carry annual licensing costs. With Crypto Cannabis Grow, the dapp is free of monthly or annual base fee costs standard for current seed to sale tracking products. Being free for all dispensaries to utility is enabled via the ability to freeze TRX for added energy for free contract trigger costs instead of costing Tron TRX directly. Also freezing TRX for bandwidth towards free transactions among licensed dispensaries and also receiving Tron block rewards for voting for network delegates with frozen Tron is a great incentive for businesses. So not only is CCG ledgering system product also free, but can help accrue new TRX rewards to the dispensaries wallets all with free/very low cost transactions.
The only cost accrual for licensed cannabis businesses in a very minimal sense is a base hourly fee paid in invoice to our company for in-house developer works of setting up and deploying a dispensaries ledgering contracts and UX/UI dashboard, token gated to their own in house dispensary gene token and growth xp utility token. After these works have been completed, a scheduled in-house walkthrough at the site location of operation will take place for walkthrough of growth managers to work with and learn easily this ledgering product. Otherwise again this is free to use and open-source, meaning that businesses can have their own in house developer or tech service provider easily learn to work with and manage this system, as well as expands knowledge of the utility of the Tron Blockchain and smart contracts. For expanded or replacement contracts for a new growth batch once the prior batch has completed, this is a small base fee paid to DEX Exchange Inc if need be for deployment and owner transfer of new contracts which typically takes 1-2 hours of contractual work for completion.
Crypto Cannabis Grow DApp succeeds where off-chain software ledgering system products fail because they may go out of service, need updates, crash with data losses etc. CCG DApp is a very low cost business systems management product/tool. While competing software based ledgering products carry monthly and or annual base fees, the only new costs accrued by the business utilizing CCG DApp are among new contract deployments. A new contract for new growth batch only is needed every few months based on growth time of any given strains genetical structure. This saves licensed cannabis businesses further financial costs. Seed growth to harvest is minimal in events so as to not need to keep TRX frozen all the time but only when needing bandwidth for contract trigger events every few months for growth harvesting as on-chain transactions. This is all with the ideals that Crypto Cannabis Grow DAPP will have no down time being self sufficient and decentralized within the Tron Blockchain. The Tron Blockchain does not stop its consensus algorithm of each delegate node remaining operational in uptime.
How we built it:
CCG DApp was built utilizing Unity and TRC10, TRC20 along with in-house customized smart contracts that operate and read the logics of token ID's and differential plant strains also operated via TRC20 smart contracts. CCG DAPP was engineered and launched by our SEC registered S-corp, DEX Exchange Incorporated upon the Tron testnet for hardening and bug testing prior to migrating the finalized product into the Tron main on-chain network.
Challenges we ran into:
Typical challenges were basic bug testing and hardening for use case. Some logics within the contract functionality within the UX/UI were tested on a consistent basis within the Tron testnet for any and all corrections and hardening against brute force to close any vulnerabilities and remove any bugs found for full risk mitigation. These challenges were met with success through the simple challenge of time and patience within all works put forth for Crypto Cannabis Grow DApp.
Accomplishments that we're proud of:
Testnet completion accomplishment and migration into the Tron main on-chain network for reality of use case is what we are most proud of. Further more we are proud of the competent knowledge we have learned and supported of how the power the Tron Blockchain and Crypto Cannabis Grow Dapp provides to succeed many different industries greatly. Our hard works for competent deliverance is also among what we are most proud of.
What we learned
Many new aspects of solidity code parameters and ways to evolve and contribute to the future of solidity smart contracts and open source repositories are contributed to the entire web3 and blockchain technology marketplace/ecosystem.
What's next for Crypto Cannabis
On a local level via the United States local state agencies and governments starting in Massachusetts via the state sanctioned Cannabis Control Commission, meetings and pitch events to bring CCG DApp into acceptance for compliant use case. These meetings are needed for state and local governments that have passed cannabis legalization. The reason this is needed is to be accepted by the cannabis control commission for use case of this ledgering dapp or receive feedbacks on improvements to be accepted. Cannabis Control Commissions do greatly look up to new technology innovations aiding in the seed to sale licensed cannabis system and we are actively networking with the appropriate points of contact for a deliverance of demo walkthrough live.
The control commissions have shown public topic interest recently for anyone able to produce a blockchain ledger system for the local hemp and CBD growth industry in Vermont and for that Crypto Cannabis Grow dapp is able to succeed as well, for reporting these ledgers and tracking's hashed as evidence upon the Tron Blockchain to state governments and agencies from the dispensaries and licensed operational growth sites.
Succeeding within Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 2022 will help fund Crypto Cannabis Grow (CCG) DAPP to be marketed and scaled into the licensed medical and recreational cannabis industries eyes through producing infographic documentations and brochures, the launch of a professional business product website with demo booking system as well as strategically securing paid booth spaces at licensed and professional cannabis business conventions throughout the United States and Canada. This is where funds will allocate to if any prize award is won and awarded to Crypto Cannabis Grow DAPP as well as among securing funding for supporting in house developer works on initial expanse and scaling. These scaling works are for new engineering features of Crypto Cannabis DAPP's current base product to evolve with new features and utility, furthering help aid and improving the licensed cannabis's professional needs of a secure and competently well rounded seed to sale ledgering system.
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