Today, life is going too fast, so we don't have time to remember our life's most important and beautiful moments. We always forget special events like attend meetings, medicine, to pay bills etc. in our life due to busy schedule.

CreativeNote is an iPhone app that is very simple and very much easy to use . CreativeNote has very much sexy UI. CreativeNote app is a Evernote api supportive application that runs on iPhone device, It can be run on iPad or iPod devices. It saves note whether you are online or offline. CreativeNote helps you to save and remind your memories in a single roof. CreativeNote will make your life easy.

 When you create any note in the app,  it is automatically updated on the cloud server. If user do not have internet connection, it saves all created note locally, when it get network connection, it upload notes on the server in background.

  If you create a reminder, app saves reminder on your iPhone device only. Reminders do not update on the cloud server. They are device specific.

What types of files it support? It plays audio/video files of format wav,mp3,wmv, m4a, mp4, mov,3gp. It can open file els,xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, doc, dcocx, rtf,txt,XML,HTML It display images of type jpeg,png,gif.

Functionality - Home Screen - It displays all notes in a single view that note may be web clip or normal note. In top section user can navigate months. In month section , if user has created a note on a date then it display a blue icon to show that you have created a note on that day. when the user will tap it display that date created note in pink selection. Reminder Screen - In this screen you can add different kind of reminders. These reminder are device specific. Note Screen - Here you can create a note, You can add image, audio , video files with a note. User can add location with a note. User can tag a note for what that note has created.User can put that note in the same roof called the notebook. Setting Screen - It display the basic information about the app, about the developer. It provides information how to use the app? or how it works? i.e - Create text notes, Create photo notes. display attachments such as png,jpeg,gif, PDF, Word, Excel,rtf,txt,XML,HTML files-Play audio,video files, Obtain location information for a note, Background synchronization and easy to operate. Create reminder those are device specific.

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