
My dad works for a trucking company, I wanted to make an app for customers so they know where their cargo is, and some details about the cargo, where it is while making it safe and secure

What it does

Company Sidekick is an app for customers and companies to talk to each other more efficiently.

How we built it

Using Google Sign in and Sign up, Firebase Authentication, and Firebase Real-Time Database. Using thunkable, I've used it for the past 2 Academies Hacks, and It's a very useful software to help anyone who wants to make their app come true!

Challenges we ran into

Mostly Firebase not fire... basing? And I didn't have time to finish my project, the real reason is that Thunkable made a new interface, and it's been a while since I used it. It was tough to use Firebase for real-time database.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I was proud of how much I have done with the app, also by adding sign-in by Google. There is so much I have accomplished in such a short time :D

What we learned

What I learned is that before doing a project, I have to plan if things go wrong, and learn how to use the new thunkable interface.

What's next for Company Sidekick

This isn't the end of Company Sidekick, I am thinking about adding a sign-in by Microsoft or even Apple, and also thinking about adding Gemini API, Google's AI to help the customer or business. And to finish the app

Built With

  • blockcode
  • firebase
  • firebase's-real-time-database
  • google-sign-in
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