
Everyone who has experienced it knows that the most nerve-racking experience is the act of revealing college decisions after 4 years of gruesome hard work in high school. Vivek's brother, Vishal Nadella was in this situation this year as he had to apply to colleges. He had a 3.9 unweighted GPA and an above average SAT score, so he thought that Harvard was a sure-shot acceptance. But after opening up college decisions, he was astonished to see that he had been rejected from every college except for NJIT and Rutgers. This has deeply disheartened him, but he realized that it was because he did not know what colleges were looking for in him and he had severely underestimated the difficulty of getting into top colleges. Seeing this, us as a team decided to create a website that would prevent other seniors in similar situations experience what Vishal did.

What it does

The application, CollegeFit, focuses on taking the inputs from the user and using those along with a formula to calculate the chances of the person making their dream college. The app takes the SAT scores, ACT scores, APs, GPA, extracurricular, and the awards according to their weightage and other factors such as their race and gender. The app then takes these into account and comes up with a final score which is the predicted chances of the person making that said college. In order to help the situation, CollegeFit gives feedback such as internship opportunities that the person can take in order to increase their chances into making their college.

How we built it

We started off by creating the front end, which created a platform for the user to log in or sign up. They would then have to input their information such as SAT scores, ACT scores, GPA, AP's taken, gender, race, etc. This would lead to their chances of getting into each college getting calculated. When they go to the colleges page, they will see a list of the top 20+ and their chances of getting in. We used Django to code this project and really took a unique approach by not using any forms or sterilizers, instead we wrote code from our template to our view back to our model where it would be recorded on a table. We used CSS/HTML/JS to code the rest of the project.

Challenges we ran into

A major challenges that we ran into was the collection of our user's data. When trying to store data used models and forms which led to difficulty in styling due to Django's rigid forms system. To prevent this, we didn't use forms at all, we directly worked from the templates to the views, and to the model allowing for a clean efficient line of code which would make styling easy.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

An accomplishment that we are proud of is using google photos to make an image holder so that we can access the images we need without making a mess. Google Photos helped make our project much more organized and helped us use the images we need with ease. We took advantage of CORS(Cross origin Resource Sharing) to host images externally and not have to deal with the headace of static files.

What we learned

The one thing that we learned was that success only comes from the expense of time and that is unavoidable. Although our team had worked diligently, we had many difficulties such as bad placements of buttons or wrong indenting on the Navbar. We have developed a stronger bond as a team and realized that us working together on one topic and collaborating does a great deal in terms of progress and development as a team as a whole. There was also a lot of math and data collection involved and it was something we had never really worked with before/

What's next for College Fit

College Fit is expected and is aimed to be introduced nationally and even internationally. We would also like to develop a connection with the users not just by their grades or achievements, but rather for the type of person they are. Finally, we would like to develop some bonds and connections with other internship companies in order to give the students a better and surefire chance to succeed and shine in their area.

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