This project is not complete! But check back for updates!
I'm still working on this project. 

What it does

Introduces people to their local coffee shops. This app will be a social platform for coffee lovers. Find cool unique coffee shops to visit around Toronto. Also get rewards/points for loading your card.

Google-maps products used in this project

-Google-maps SDK (flutter)

-Google-maps Places API

How I built it

Flutter, GetX, google maps and firebase! Firebase is used to login, store user data and map cart items to the user(for future).

Challenges I ran into

Using GetX was an issue as I didn't know how to handle state of the map. I found myself very confused.

What I learned

How to use GetX (sorta!)

What's next for Coffee Society

I want to build this into a release version app for the app store with multiple functionalities. Including a reloadable gift card that allows one to collect points for purchase.

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