
We wanted to create a program where people could learn something about the way their everyday actions affect the world and the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, being able to hopefully take this information and change their habits.

What it does

This code shows four different everyday scenarios:

  1. A garden with flowers and bees
  2. A sky full of clouds and airplanes
  3. A bathroom
  4. A garage After getting through the start screen, someone gets to go through each setting with a button that brings them to a screen explaining the environmental effects or a tip to be more eco-friendly in every scenario.

How we built it

We built this by using multiple screens to be able to display all of our objects and have the buttons each take you somewhere different. We used ktinker library and Colorama to sustain the images, which we created using shapes and positioning them with x1,x2,x3,x4, and sometimes x5 and x6.

Challenges we ran into

We had a hard time figuring out how to get the buttons to successfully display on each screen, and also lead somewhere. We ran into many errors, but eventually figured it out.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of how the drawings turned out, and we spent a long time repositioning everything to fit correctly. We are also proud that al our display screens work the same, without any bugs.

What we learned

We learned how to get the program to allow for multiple screens and switches, we also had to compromise some of our cooler ideas due to skill constraints.

What's next for Code for Good: Sustainaville

We hope that this might become useful in teaching people what they can do to better the environment. If we could get it to show more than four settings, that would also be awesome.

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