
COVID -19 pandemic emergency has changed out lifestyles inevitably.

Simple things like going shopping has become an activity that causes difficulties for everyone.

Places we were used to frequent without any constraint or restriction are today monitored in order to screen people accessing the different locations and manage the number of people inside the same building or shop. This causes, not only discomfort, but also risks for the community where people gathering brings also physical proximity.

This is what inspired us to make CoD@Casa: help people to organize their shopping schedule, and not queuing outside the shops. So that they spend less time outside their houses, better plan their days and reduce the risk of infection

What does the Solution do?

Booking of your pass

by internet, with a smartphone or by phoning a call centre, see available time slots to enter the supermarket (or other location). Choose a slot and organize your shopping (or access to public services);

  • Citizens can better PLAN their daily duties and SAVE time (1 hour queue = 1 hour saved)
  • #StayAtHome

    Wait at home to avoid queueing in front of the shop. Wait for a message on your smartphone to remind your booked slot for shop entrance (or with a call for non Digital customers). Go to the shop when it is time and enter without queueing;

  • Reduce Infection: Citizens and Company Employees don't need to crowd into a queue or into the store
  • Know your customer

    When shop owner, know your customers all at the same time in your shop -> Know & manage the number of clients in the shop/location with a QRCode or a booking number. A shop assistant does the check-in and check-out to manage attendance restrictions

  • Protect People: Organization can MONITOR clients arriving and in
  • How we built it

    1. Cloud solution (based on Salesforce platform)
    2. simple interface (web site, HTML based)
    3. simple 3 step process implemented with Salesforce native process builder:
      • Reservation: The Customer books a slot with a reservation number
      • Entrance: When arriving, the Shop Assistant checks the information to allow the Check In
      • Exit: The Shop Assistant records the Check Out and free a slot for the next Customer

    Challenges we faced

    • Protecting people: avoid people crowding when queueing and easily respect social distances. People stay at home waiting to check in

    • Business continuity: Help organizations not closing shops/stores but better managing customers

    Accomplishments that we are proud of

    • Citizens congratulate organizations already using **CoD@Casa** for the new service provided for free. People appreciate the simplicity

    • Organizations happier because they can better protect theirs employees and clients maintaining the right number of customers checked-in

    What we learned

    Citizens need, not only to be protected from the virus but also need to be provided with helps to better manage their daily activities in a very stressful period. With the Phase2 starting now, people are not all prepared to manage a number of basic activities with strict constraints (shopping, medical visits, return to the offices, travels, lunch/dinner into the collective restaurants,...)

    What's next for CoD@Casa

    We need to enhance CoD@Casa features to provide new Use Cases and help other actors and all citizens. Following a list of ideas:

    1. Health: appointment with Doctors, home delivery of medicine
    2. Business Continuity: accessing the office/premises
    3. Business Continuity: selling into markets, collect or drop of in Post-Office
    4. Public Services: city hall services, entrance in public gardens, schools, ...
    5. Transportation: limited entrance in buildings
    6. Other socials: book a lunch into the next motorway restaurant when travelling or a slot in any collective restaurant…

    Our solution

    Video pitch
    Demo Cartoon

    What about us

    Video 1: Tg1 News
    Video 2: La Vita in Diretta
    Video 3: Sky Italia

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