The idea is to use COLOR by the word and create a game based on the letter in COLOR. This idea gave us so much room to be creative and come up with different games based on the name. We saw this idea from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, in which the word STALKER has meaning in the game but also just means stalker. We saw this and decided to put a twist and do it with color.
What it does
The game has various components in separate files for better readability, efficiency, and debugging. The UI is the main page, allowing the user to click on any of the 5 available games. Each of the levels corresponds to a letter in color, for example, C for Chase. Each game also has a background corresponding to the color of the latter: C is cyan, O is orchid, L is Lavender, O is orange, and R is red. Each game utilizes color as a function and gives the player a pleasant experience.
How we built it
We built it using pygame in Visual Studio code as a group. We used different libraries such as random and math, but mostly pygame.
Challenges we ran into
We had a lot of trouble figuring out the different logic for certain games, such as Gravity, movement, collision detection, etc. Sometimes, the code for gravity would not work, and the circle would just float in the air. Another big issue we ran was the collision detection for blocks in the lobby game. When we would hit the bottom of the block, we would get teleported to the top, or the collision detection would not detect it was touching a block. We ended up making a hitbox for the circle to better detect the blocks around. An issue we did not have time to fix was the movement. It is still very buggy when trying to jump or jump on a block when the circle is close to a wall. Another problem was putting all the codes together so that they work effectively and efficiently. We ended up doing classes for each game so that we could call on them in the UI file.
What we learned
We learned that teamwork is powerful. This code would have taken much longer without teamwork and working as a group. We learned how hitboxes are used in the detection of various things in games and how hard they can be. Also, the logic for movement under certain circumstances. We also learned how to create classes and import files we made into another file to keep the code clean and efficient. We are proud of how the game came out, even with the UI design. Each game is also unique and different, so we were really proud that we were able to code it to be unique
What's next for Chase, OstrichCatch, LuminousDraw, Obby, Raindrod Dodge
We would like to build upon some of the games and polish them a bit more. Since this project was a bit rushed, we had to leave some things undone fully. We would also like to connect the games so that they work with each other, like the drawing game can be used to draw custom games for the lobby, for example. Another thing we would like to is add a home screen that shows the name of the game.
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