Carrer Planer - PartyRock


I was inspired to design an application that helps in the vocational guidance of young people who are finishing their high school studies and often do not follow their dreams.

What it does

This application allows you to create a vocational orientation guide based on hobbies, skills, abilities, and preferred subjects that young people have, skills, abilities, and favorite subjects that young people have in order to guide them in which profession which profession fits their interests.

It gives the names of possible careers, possible jobs in which they can work, creates an image of that ideal job and gives some study materials as a guide to choose our profession.

How we built it

Through the creation of text and image widgets to build content according to the information the user entered in the User input. It also has uh chatbot to solve questions about the content created.

Challenges we ran into

A big challenge was to understand how the foundational models work and how to create well structured prompts that allow to understand the context and what is desired when creating an application with the help of applications that do not require deep coding knowledge.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I'm proud to have researched how PartyRock works and to have started to get interested in generative AI and to start to get interested in generative AI topics that facilitate and democratize access to all the public interested in learning about artificial intelligence and how we can create how we can create applications that help populations with little knowledge in technology.

What we learned

I learned about LLM and how it's fundamentals help us in the creation of content, as well as its parameters such as temperature and Top P that allow us to measure and adjust the creation of content.

What's next for Career Planner

That it becomes a tool that can be disseminated in school environments so that children can identify their professions or areas of work at an early age.

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