Sustainability presents lots of interesting challenges that are especially compelling to solve with code
What it does
It's a carbon footprint calculator, so that you can monitor the environmental impacts of all of your trips
How we built it
We set up a fullstack application with nodeJS as our backend serving websites dynamically. For our testing we used the postman application and our plan is to implement the site with Azure to allow for scaling.
Challenges we ran into
Getting all the apis to interact with each other was rather difficult, especially working with the twilio api as sms can become quite complicated. Also there was a mishap where some important APIKeys were published
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We were able to integrate everything! While simple the design is rather pleasing and really sets the foundation for future expansion. After all with a backend we can add many more features, from databases to real-time multi-user applications.
What we learned
Learned about CI/CD with github and Azure. Earned a better understanding of Azure(Microsoft-Cloud) and GCP services
What's next for Carbonize
Larger scale integration with azure!
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