
What inspired this project was the need to show people how their own actions could affect the world. Wanting to educate the user by making them notice how their own actions could affect the environment was the main inspiration.

What it does

The program takes input from the user such as clicking the buttons and responding to the questions in order to asses what their carbon footprint in a day would be. This footprint is later put into a larger scale in which it shows how much they would emit in a year, and later a lifetime. The program helps the user realize what actions they could take in order to keep reducing their carbon footprint.

How we built it

This project was built through the use of python and pygame. Pygame was the library we used in order to display our UI while python was the language we used. The project runs off conditional statements based off of Booleans that change once an action is completed.

Challenges we ran into

Some of the main challenges we rain into were they simplification of our code. We did not want our code to be inefficient in any way so we tried to come up ways we could save time through making procedures. However, we had difficulty in condensing repetitive tasks and were unable to find a proper solution to them other then keeping them as is.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Our main accomplishment was completing the project in time. As our first larger project we had ambitious ideas we wanted to add and we are proud of the fact that we were able to add even a modified version of our ideas into our project.

What we learned

The most crucial skill we learnt in this project was being able to think on our feet. The goal we had set in mind may have been too ambitious and as the deadline loomed closer we ran into more and more problems. We learnt to find quick ways to solve these problems efficiently and reach the best outcome.

What's next for Carbon Foot print Calculator

Our project could be expanded into something much more bigger looking for more everyday tasks a user may take part in. Identifying these tasks and adding them to our program will give a more in depth view of what the carbon foot print for a user may be.

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