
Higher Lower Game Website

What it does

Provides the player with two different trips between two cities, as well as potentially differents modes of transportation. The player then has to predict which trip emitted the least amount of carbon emissions.

How we built it

Mainly used HTML, CSS, and Javascript as the framework. Used the Google Places API to get access to distances between locations. Had a CSV file containing US cities that were randomly chosen from.

Challenges we ran into

Most of the time was spent on fixing problems we haven’t faced before since much of our programming was learned during HackMIT. Coordinating different tasks. Not predicting the possible issues that could arise through using GitHub.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Learned new concepts. Tried creating a website in a team for the first time. Overcame unexpected challenges.

What we learned

Improve planning out the steps to create the project as well as figure out how we’ll weave our tasks together. Prepare by learning more about the language the team is using.

What's next for Carbon Counting

Better UI design. More variety in the prompts, such as knowing the carbon emissions of food, industry, and other kinds of technology.

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