
Patients often have trouble with following physiotherapy routines correctly which can often lead to worsening the affects of existing issues.

What it does

Our project gives patients audio tips on where they are going wrong in real time and responds to voice commands to control the flow of their workout. Data from these workouts is then uploaded to the cloud for physiotherapists to track the progress of their patients!

How we built it

Using the Kinect C# SDK we extracted a human wireframe from the sensors and performed calculations on the different limbs to detect improper form. We also used the .NET speech libraries to create an interactive "trainer" experience.

Challenges we ran into

Analyzing movements over time is pretty hard due to temporal stretching and temporal misalignment. We solved this by option to code particular rules for difference exercises which were far more robust. This also allowed us to be more inclusive of all body sizes and shapes (everyone has different limb sizes relative to their entire body).

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating a truly helpful trainer experience. Believe it or not we have actually gotten better at squatting over the course of this hackathon 😂😂

What we learned

Xbox kinect is SUPER COOL and there is so much more that can be done with it.

What's next for Can we change this later?

Many improvements to the patient management platform. We figured this wasn't super important since fullstack user management applications have been created millions of times over.


We also have prototypes for what the front-end would look like from the patient and physiotherapist's perspective, to be presented during judging!

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