
My mom has always encouraged me to work on what I love to do, so in this case its the field of mathematics

What it does

it gives level based integrals, but they get harder as you progress in the trivia. The trivia has also provided video explanations as well and just step by step solutions, in case you don’t understand the video

How we built it

I used java scripts, particularly from

Challenges we ran into

writing a lot of lines of code can be difficult

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Finishing everything on time, and I am loving the outcome

What we learned

I have to be patient, even if the task is the easiest.

What's next for Calculus Chronicles: Navigating Integrals

You guys can recommend me so more trivia’s that I should make next, or you guys can go on my instagram channel, which is arjunmathockey to view some more integral based videos.

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