
I have already made a "Buscaminas" in which I create 3 different game situation. In this way, the game finish too soon. With the idea to make an infinite of situation, I decided to make the different table aleatory. It has also been an opportunity to fix some errors that previous versions had.

What it does

Bassically, it create a table of 6 * 6 with 5 bombs aleatory. The aim is to find all the positions in where aren`t any bomb.

How we built it

Using the function srand and taking the ID of the process, I have been able to generate some pseudoaleatory numbers.

Challenges we ran into

At a first moment, my intention, was using recursivity to find the bombs around a position. Whereas I decided not to used because if I augment the size of the table, I will generate to much recursivity calls.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I'm highly proud of be able to improve my old code to an a new and better one in no more than 3 hours.

What we learned

I learned different libraries that permit me to do different controls that in other situations I have had to code by my own.

What's next for Buscaminas c

I will try to find a viable recursivity solution

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