
I was flying to Thailand and my wife was playing Mahjong Solitaire a lot. I thought- what if we solve it in VR

What it does

You select mahjong board you want to solve, and use bow to do it, simple! You can race with yourself and other players who can solve different boards fastest(next BeatSaber :P)

How we built it

I built it alone with some help of talented friends(I'm lead developer but I often rely on their critique)

Challenges we ran into

Lack of hardware- my Quest 1 can't run Presence Platform so I couldn't create a build required for this competition, I'm hoping for third place to get Quest 3 so I can develope applications properly

Accomplishments that we're proud of

So far around 15 people played my game and they liked it - they weren't always my friends so they weren't forced to play it but they were solving boards for 30 minutes!

What we learned

Don't sign up for a hackathon without hardware

What's next for Bowjong

I have first playable demo(on quest link so far, gotta fix it on Quest(not sure if my quest dies from graphics or some other reason)) and i want to focus on improving graphics, then Kickstarter and trying to get to offical Quest store not AppLab only.

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