The game installer is linked below (in the "Try It Out" section)!


Phones have become a central piece of everyone's everyday lives. This has had both good and bad effects, and as ironic as it is, we wanted to touch on this in the form of a video game.

What it does

It is a game, and it can be run and played. There is not much to say.

How we built it

We built it using the Unity engine in C#. We also used Photoshop and for art, and Audacity for audio.

Challenges we ran into

We underestimated the amount of time some of the things we wanted to do would take, and as a result we did not get to the level of completion we had wanted to. We also ran into some minor issues with Unity crashes and GitHub merging.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are overall pretty happy with the current state of the game even if it's not exactly what we wanted. We each were introduced to at least one new aspect of game development and were each adventurous.

What we learned

Every time we work on a project, we get a little better at setting realistic goals. We got better this time, too, but are still not quite there yet.

What's next for Boredom

More levels/completion! However, some of the current code is rushed and messy which is demotivating. This game will likely continue to be developed.

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