
As developers, we often encounter challenges in selecting the most suitable generative AI tool for our projects.

What it does

Addressing this, I've developed a solution by integrating various generative AI tools into a single platform.

How we built it

Our application streamlines the process: users provide their command, which we distribute to multiple AI tools, collating and presenting the most optimal result. This approach minimizes the burden of tool selection, ensuring that developers consistently access the best outcomes for their specific needs.

Challenges we ran into

Open-Source API's and adhering to strict guidelines of AI tools is what looks challenging to me.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

With our platform, the complexities of navigating different AI tools are streamlined, empowering developers to focus on innovation and efficiency in their projects.

What we learned

Looking for API's and integrating them in our project. Searching for best possible result using AI again (Different approaches to be used for searching).

What's next for BestGenAI

want to showcase it as a business idea. Implementation is still yet to done.

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