
Ever had an idea for an app or a complex system, but didn't know where to start? So did we, and that's why we've built PAiM (pronounced PAM). PAiM is your AI-powered technical project manager, capable of designing an entire system from a - z using a short description of your idea.

What it does

PAiM designs systems from both a product and engineering standpoint so you don't have to worry about planning for an idea ever again. PAiM takes information about your idea, a brief description, a potential users' description, your preferred tech stack, and your timeline for completing it, then from that small context, it generates a notion page for you with sections discussing functionality and use cases, tech stack, architecture description and diagram, and milestones for your project.

How we built it

We built it using an extremely responsive and customizable nextjs app on the frontend, a simple backend and orchestrator service relying on Google Gemini's and Notion's APIs.

Challenges we ran into

Many of the challenges we ran into were related to prompt engineering, text and code formatting.

What's next for Beacon

Many many more features to come.

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